Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Cistercian Choir Nun

Intense. Order. From their website:

Cistercian Nun at Prayer3:30 A.M. Rise
3:50 A.M Matins
Lectio Divina

7:45 A.M. Terce
12:00 P.M. Sext
1:30 P.M. Prayer
2:15 P.M. None
3:00 P.M. Work
 5:00 P.M. Vespers
Free recreation
6:30 P.M. Compline
8:30 P.M. Retire

 Cistercian Nuns at the Office of Chapter - Martyrology

    The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as proper to the Roman liturgy: therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services.
Documents of Vatican II,
Constitution on the Sacred VI, Sacred Music, paragraph 116.

Daily Mass the center of our monastic life is the source and summit of all graces.

Cistercian Nuns - The Tabernacle
Reservation of the Holy Eucharistic in the tabernacle allows worship of the Real Presence of Christ to continue outside of the Sacrifice of the Mass

Cistercian Nuns and Sacred Scripture - Lectio Divina

"In the meditative reading of Sacred Scripture, known as Lectio Divina,
we listen to the Word of God and take it into ourselves .”

We support ourselves primarily by baking altar breads

Cistercian Nuns - Altar Breads

Cistercian Nuns - Atomizing of Altar Breads

Cistercian Nun Snow Boarding

Recreations are an essential means to becoming a monastic family; true sisters in the Body of Christ

Three Cistercian Nuns Snow Boarding
Community is a sharing in the simple joys of life

Faithful perseverance
in our vocation
produces the fruit of unconditional love

Cistercian Nun - Solitude under the shade of a tree

The Cistercian monastery forms an environment of silence and solitude within a community. In this atmosphere of quiet and separation from the noise of the world one is able to enter into the stillness of the spirit and encounter God dwelling within.

Boo ya. Catholics are awesome.

Pax Christi!

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